Thu May, 2023

Five golden rules of lasting friendship you need to know

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  1. Communication: The key to any long-term friendship is open and honest communication. Make sure you are communicating regularly with your friend, and don't be afraid to discuss any issues that may arise. Be there to listen when they need to talk, and always be supportive.

  2. Trust: Trust is a crucial element of any friendship. Make sure you are reliable and dependable, and always keep your promises. Show your friend that you trust them by sharing personal information and being vulnerable with them.

  3. Respect: Respect your friend's opinions and choices, even if you don't agree with them. Avoid criticizing or belittling them, and be mindful of their feelings. Treat them as you would like to be treated.

  4. Time: Make time for your friendship, even when life gets busy. Schedule regular catch-ups or activities together, and be willing to make compromises to ensure you can spend time with each other. A long-term friendship requires effort and investment from both parties.

  5. Forgiveness: Nobody's perfect, and misunderstandings or disagreements may happen in any friendship. Practice forgiveness and try to resolve any issues quickly, rather than letting them fester. Don't hold grudges, and be willing to apologize when you are in the wrong. Remember, a true friend is someone who accepts you for who you are, flaws and all.



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