Fri July, 2023

Five love languages test

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The five love languages are:

  1. Words of Affirmation: This love language focuses on verbal and written expressions of love and appreciation. People with this love language appreciate kind words, compliments, and supportive messages.

  2. Acts of Service: This love language centers around actions that show love and care. People with this love language appreciate when their partner helps them with tasks, completes acts of kindness, or takes on responsibilities to lighten their load.

  3. Receiving Gifts: This love language involves the giving and receiving of tangible gifts. People with this love language appreciate thoughtful and meaningful presents that show they are being thought of and cared for.

  4. Quality Time: This love language emphasizes spending undivided, quality time with one another. People with this love language value focused attention, engaging in meaningful conversations, and sharing experiences together.

  5. Physical Touch: This love language revolves around physical affection. People with this love language appreciate physical touch, such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, or other forms of intimate contact.




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